
Do you get anxious before dental or medical treatments? Perhaps you have always had a phobia of visiting an oral health professional. Medical and dental phobias are not uncommon. In fact, many people suffer with anxiety when it comes to receiving oral treatments and procedures....

Missing teeth will negatively affect your daily life and ultimately affect your overall health. Since tooth loss has such profound effects on one’s life, replacing missing teeth should be a top priority among patients. Two popular options that provide a lifelike appearance and improved oral...

A dark spot on a tooth can detract from your smile’s appearance, and it can also be an indicator of a significant dental health concern. If you notice such a flaw on a tooth, consult with a professional, such as a dentist or an oral...

Sedation dentistry is a valuable tool to help anxious patients tolerate various dental treatments, such as oral surgery. The sedatives have a deeply relaxing effect, putting the patient at ease. Generally, sedation dentistry is quite safe. There may be some side effects with sedation, however,...

If you want to preserve the integrity of your teeth, you’ll want to limit your consumption of acidic foods and beverages, which can eat away at your enamel and potentially cause a number of dental problems. Unfortunately, when enamel erodes, it can cause symptoms such as...

Many people engage in seemingly benign habits that are actually harmful to teeth and gums. Others neglect their oral health simply because they do not know how destructive oral conditions can be. For example, your dentist has probably warned you about gum disease and the...