
The oral health system, including your teeth and gums, is precious. We use our teeth every single day. Without our teeth, eating is very difficult. It is important to guard your oral health with a proactive approach to preventing injuries. There are things we can...

Many times, our tongues are overlooked when we think about our oral health. Oral healthcare providers like your dentist, however, always take a look at your tongue during checkups. This is because your tongue is an integral part of the oral health system. Beyond the...

Losing one tooth can throw off the harmony and function of the entire oral health system. Tooth loss has devastating effects on our oral health and general wellness. Not only does losing a tooth put other teeth at risk, having an incomplete smile negatively affects...

If you travel frequently or find yourself away from home for hours at a time, you might want to make adjustments to your oral hygiene regimen. Those of us who live very busy lifestyles can have trouble sticking to a schedule of proper oral hygiene...

Ignoring changes in your dental and oral health can lead to the development of serious conditions that require aggressive, invasive, and costly treatments. When potential problems are detected and treated early on, you increase the likelihood of receiving conservative (and cost-effective) treatment that will help...

Your toothbrush is a powerful tool for keeping your teeth and mouth clean. However, your toothbrush, like your mouth, can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. When bacteria begin to grow on a toothbrush it can be transferred to one’s mouth and could subsequently...

While dental implants have been used to replace missing teeth for some time now, they are a relatively new concept to many people. To help educate members of our community on this tooth replacement option, we have compiled a list of four things people might...