When You Need Corrective Jaw Surgery

charlottesville jaw surgeryWhen you have issues with the growth and development of your smile or have sustained a serious injury, then you could have complications that can lead to poorer oral health. To correct these concerns, you need orthognathic surgery. Our Charlottesville, VA clinic can help you enjoy better bite balance and a more attractive smile with corrective jaw surgery.

Common Concerns That Need Attention

The jaw is a very complex joint, one that controls the movements necessary for us to eat and speak. When it becomes strained or stressed, this could lead to discomfort and even alter how you eat and speak, and lead to issues with the appearance of your smile. Issues with the bite, such as an under, over, cross, or open bite could benefit from alterations to your jaw. Factors that could require surgery to address include injury, the presence of TMJ disorder or bruxism, or issues with breathing, chewing, or speaking correctly.

Planning Your Procedure

The surgery will be able to improve how your bite fits together, and protect your smile from a host of complications. We will plan the procedure in detail, starting with digital x-rays and intraoral camera images of your smile from multiple angles.


To ensure you’re comfortable throughout the practice, our team will offer a local anesthetic and also sedation, so you enter a calm and relaxed state with little or no memory of the procedure at all. This is especially helpful if you have dental anxiety about oral surgery. We want to ensure your experience is a comfortable and positive one.

What Happens Next?

Our team then conducts the surgery, altering your jaw by moving it in or out, up or down, and improving the overall balance to fight strain and serious complications. The procedure will be complex and extensive, and will require time to fully heal. We may work alongside your orthodontics so treatment can continue seamlessly following your procedure. After the procedure ends, we will provide instructions to ensure a complication-free healing period, and medications to aid in the healing process. We want to help you avoid infections or issues that could cause discomfort. You will need to eat soft foods, avoid tobacco use, and will need to stay inactive for a few days to properly heal.

If you have any questions about our appearance to corrective jaw surgery, or if you have a specific concern that needs attention, then please reach out to our team today to learn more. We want to help you enjoy a properly balanced bite and an attractive appearance as well.

Talk To Our Charlottesville, VA, Clinic About Jaw Surgery

If you have complications with your bite and want to undergo treatment to help your smile, then call our Charlottesville, VA clinic at (434) 282-2275.


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