When you have possible cancerous or precancerous spots in your soft tissues, these need to be removed or addressed by a specialist. Oral pathology could be crucial for identifying and treating issues like oral cancer, so don’t ignore sores or lesions! With our team at Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Centers, we can offer oral pathology services to safeguard your smile and ensure you obtain the care you need to help increase your chances of a full recovery!
Common Signs of Trouble
Oral pathologies, such as oral cancer, occur in the interior of our mouths, especially in the soft tissues of our cheeks. You could encounter sores, lesions, or rough patches that don’t heal after two weeks. There could also be areas with red and white splotches, persistent hoarseness or sore throat, changes in your voice, or a sudden unexplained weight loss. When you encounter possible warning signs like these, we want you to contact our team so we can conduct an exam and find out if you need a biopsy and treatment.
Oral Cancer
According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, of the estimated 53,000 people who will be diagnosed with the disease this year alone, half will succumb to it within five years. However, oral cancer is very treatable! The high mortality rate is often due to the fact that the disease is rarely caught in the early stages. But with a screening for oral pathologies every six months, or an appointment to address possible changes to your gum tissues or symptoms we listed above, we can increase the chances of an early diagnosis and treatment in a timely manner, so your chances of a recovery are much higher.
Our team will examine the smile carefully with advanced digital imaging systems. If we find areas that need attention, we could conduct a biopsy. We will numb the area to ensure you are comfortable as we remove the tissues. The results will take a few days, and in the meantime, we can offer instructions for managing your discomfort following the biopsy. When the results come in, we can talk about treatment options or possibly refer you to a specialist, so action can be taken to protect your oral health.
If you have any questions about oral pathologies, or if you want to schedule a visit with our team, contact our office today.
Find Out More About Oral Pathology With The Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Centers
Oral pathology needs immediate attention, and we can help, so please don’t hesitate to contact our team. You can make time to meet with our team at Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Centers by calling us at (434) 282-2275 at our Charlottesville-Berkshire location today!