Is Anesthesia Required for Implant Surgery?

The procedure for dental implant surgery is unique for each patient. The techniques and materials that are used to replace your missing teeth have become quite sophisticated and predictable. However, as a patient, you have individual needs and expectations which can significantly influence your treatment.

There are a number of options for managing pain as well as anxiety, depending upon the extent of your procedure. For the replacement of a single tooth, a local anesthetic may be sufficient for controlling pain, and you’ll be comfortable enough to continue on with your daily activities.

For the replacement of multiple teeth, extensive oral surgery, or when you feel especially anxious, your oral surgeon may recommend sedation dentistry.

During your initial consultation, your medical history and past dental history will be evaluated to determine the method of anesthesia and sedation that will be best for you. There is no standard requirement for anesthesia, but for your comfort, it is typically recommended. Ultimately, the goal is that you feel as comfortable and as relaxed as possible throughout the procedure.

A local anesthetic can be used to numb the immediate area in the mouth where the implant is to be placed. Just as though you were to have a filling or other dental procedure, a portion of your lips, tongue, gums, cheeks, or face will remain numb for a short period of time. This method of anesthesia enables you to remain completely awake and unimpaired.

Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is an inhaled form of anesthesia that can aid in relaxation in addition to local anesthetics. Nitrous oxide provides a subtle level of relaxation that can be completely reversed at the conclusion of your visit.

For an increased level of relaxation, conscious sedation can be administered in combination with local anesthetics. Though conscious sedation is not meant to induce sleep, it is common to feel drowsy and fall into a light sleep.

When multiple dental implants are planned, general anesthesia may be recommended. You’ll be able to achieve maximum relaxation and enjoy a deep, restful sleep throughout the procedure.

To learn more about the available anesthesia options, call Charlottesville Oral Surgery to schedule your appointment today.