What are the side effects of oral sedation?

oral sedation CharlottesvilleSedation dentistry is a valuable tool to help anxious patients tolerate various dental treatments, such as oral surgery. The sedatives have a deeply relaxing effect, putting the patient at ease. Generally, sedation dentistry is quite safe. There may be some side effects with sedation, however, so it’s important to discuss these with your oral surgeon.

Oral sedation, in which the anti-anxiety medication is taken in pill form, is a convenient option for patients who are leery of needles and don’t want intravenous sedation.

Patients who choose oral sedation must take the pill before coming to the surgery appointment in order to give it enough time to take its effect. As a result, the patient will be too drowsy to drive to the appointment and must arrange for a responsible adult to bring him or her to the office.

Oral sedation does have an amnestic effect, which many patients consider another advantage because they will not have any memory of the procedure. The medications can also cause dry mouth, headaches, dizziness and nausea in some cases. Your oral surgeon should review a more comprehensive list of possible side effects with you prior to the procedure.

You’ll also need to make arrangements for someone to take you home from the appointment, as the sedative’s effects will not be reversed in enough time for you to drive safely.

There can be complications with the oral medications, but these are rare. Nonetheless, you should be sure to discuss all possible risks with your surgeon to make a fully informed decision about your treatment. The surgeon should closely monitor you throughout the appointment for any signs of issues.

If you are a fearful patient or just want to be a little more comfortable during a surgical procedure, ask your surgeon if sedation dentistry is an option for you. Contact Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center for more details about the benefits and side effects of the sedatives.