
Detecting Gum Disease Early

dentists CharlottesvilleGum disease – especially in its advanced stages – is a major danger to your oral health. During routine checkups, dentists always look for potential signs of gum disease in an effort to curb this pervasive condition’s effect on oral health. When gum (periodontal) disease goes undiagnosed and untreated, it can progress rapidly into a condition that ravages the oral health system. For instance, patients with advanced gum disease may have missing teeth, noticeably receded gum tissue, persistent bad breath, and bone deterioration.

Since the symptoms and side effects of gum disease are very damaging, early detection is key to preserving oral health structures. Once periodontal disease progresses to its advanced stages, it cannot be cured. Instead, patients must manage the condition with meticulous oral hygiene and frequent professional treatments.

Early Signs of Gum Disease

The most common sign of early periodontal disease is bleeding gums. Patients normally notice this symptom when brushing and flossing. Blood is an indicator that the gum tissue is inflamed. While this is a very common symptom, early stages of gum disease may be asymptomatic, too. Since signs of gum disease can go unnoticed to the untrained eye, it is important for patients to schedule routine cleanings and checkups with their dentists.

Other symptoms of gum disease include discoloration and tenderness along gingival tissue. A receding gum line is often a sign of periodontal disease as well.

Treating Periodontal Disease

If caught early, periodontal disease can be reversed with deep prophylaxis that removes infected gum tissue and tartar accumulation below the gum line and along the roots of teeth. Specialized cleanings in conjunction with a commitment to practicing thorough oral hygiene can stop the disease from advancing.

When gum disease advances, however, more specialized treatment is necessary. Since this condition destroys both hard and soft oral tissue, some folks may need tissue grafts and other surgical treatments like tooth extractions.

Our oral surgeons at Charlottesville Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center provide dental implants placement, grafting procedures, and tooth extractions in addition to many other services. Call our office to reserve an appointment today!