The oral cavity is a complex system of hard tissue like bones and soft tissue like nerves, muscles, and ligaments. Procedures where general anesthesia is necessary will require precision and expertise. Common procedures where general anesthesia might be necessary include reconstructive and corrective treatments following facial trauma, placing dental implants, complex wisdom teeth removal, and jaw surgery.
What types of medication is used during general anesthesia?
The types of medication used in general anesthesia for oral surgery typically include a combination of pain relieving medication and sedatives. The combination of medication used in general anesthesia for oral surgery as opposed to general anesthesia in other medical specialties normally does not involve the use of paralytic drugs. This method of anesthetizing normally doesn’t require intubation either. Instead, a strong combination of sedatives and pain medication will keep a patient perfectly comfortable and asleep during treatment. Since intubation isn’t required, the oral cavity isn’t obstructed for treatment.
Is general anesthesia safe?
Anytime anesthetizing medication is used, very strict protocols are followed to ensure patient safety. All medication is carefully administered and its effects are closely monitored. Our OMS and our staff possess training to respond to emergencies if they arise. Since medication is fed intravenously, we can adjust its dosage quickly and easily.
If you have been referred to our practice for dental implants, treatment for facial trauma, jaw surgery, or wisdom teeth removal, call us today to reserve a consultation.