What exactly is dental phobia?

Specific phobias such as dental phobia are a type of anxiety disorder that creates intense feelings of panic and nervousness among people in dental and clinical settings. Sometimes, a dental phobia can be so severe that a person will avoid necessary oral health treatment. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can greatly ease the effects of dental phobia… Continue reading What exactly is dental phobia?

What are the side effects of IV sedation?

IV sedation is a form of sedation dentistry that helps our oral surgeon improve a patient’s level of care and comfort. Sedation dentistry is not a new practice; in fact, dental professionals have been using sedatives for centuries – especially when it comes to providing surgical and complex care. Since we only utilize FDA-approved drugs… Continue reading What are the side effects of IV sedation?

What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?

Do you get anxious before dental or medical treatments? Perhaps you have always had a phobia of visiting an oral health professional. Medical and dental phobias are not uncommon. In fact, many people suffer with anxiety when it comes to receiving oral treatments and procedures. Fortunately, sedation dentistry can help. Using safe, FDA-approved medications in… Continue reading What are the benefits of sedation dentistry?

Prevalence of Dental Phobias: How Sedation Dentistry Can Make You More Comfortable

Dental phobias are quite common, especially among patients who are facing oral surgery. However, anxiety can interfere with your ability to get effective dental treatments, and when that happens sedation dentistry can put you at ease. Sedation dentistry helps the patient achieve a state of deep relaxation, which makes it easier to tolerate procedures like… Continue reading Prevalence of Dental Phobias: How Sedation Dentistry Can Make You More Comfortable

I’m Afraid of Needles: Is Sedation Dentistry Still an Option?

Many people have fears of visiting the dentist or oral surgeon and receiving oral health treatments. This is why some patients may request sedation dentistry when they undergo treatment such as removing wisdom teeth or receiving dental implants. For patients with dental phobias or for procedures that require stillness, our oral surgeon offers varying levels… Continue reading I’m Afraid of Needles: Is Sedation Dentistry Still an Option?

Sedation Dentistry: Will I be monitored closely?

Sedation dentistry appeals to many who are facing oral surgery because it offers maximum comfort for anxious patients. Patients who are particularly fearful of oral surgery procedures will also benefit from sedation dentistry, which will allow them to achieve a state of deep relaxation throughout the appointment. Sedation also has an amnestic effect, reducing the… Continue reading Sedation Dentistry: Will I be monitored closely?

Sedation Dentistry: Don’t Let Fear Keep You from Getting the Dental Care You Need

Dental anxiety is far from uncommon. In fact, as many as 75 percent of us have some degree of qualms about visiting a dentist or other dental specialists. When you need oral surgery, it’s essential to find a way to overcome that fear and get the recommended interventions to preserve your oral health. Patients with… Continue reading Sedation Dentistry: Don’t Let Fear Keep You from Getting the Dental Care You Need

How will I know if I need sedation during my dental procedure?

Sedation dentistry helps an untold number of patients get the dental care that they need. The relaxing medications used in this approach can help patients overcome any anxiety they may feel about their dental procedures. When patients choose sedation dentistry, they receive anti-anxiety medications that help them achieve a state of deep relaxation. Although the… Continue reading How will I know if I need sedation during my dental procedure?

Will I need recovery time if I use sedation for my procedure?

Sedation dentistry is a popular option for patients who are in need of some type of surgical procedure. These relaxing medications help patients overcome any anxiety that they have about the surgery. Additionally, sedation helps many patients with long periods of oral surgery, giving the surgeon the opportunity to complete complex interventions in fewer appointments,… Continue reading Will I need recovery time if I use sedation for my procedure?

Discomfort During Dental Procedures is a Thing of the Past

Some aspects of dentistry have barely changed throughout the years. Wisdom teeth still need to be removed. Dental implants must still be anchored into the jawbone. Sometimes teeth have to be pulled in order to make room for your braces. And for the great majority of these procedures, the teeth and gums will still need… Continue reading Discomfort During Dental Procedures is a Thing of the Past

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