The Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine On Your Dental Health

Most of us know that nicotine and tobacco have a strong negative impact on our overall wellbeing but many of us forget or might be unaware of the risks using tobacco has on our oral health. From smoking cigars and cigarettes to using chewing tobacco, common nicotine products can greatly increase your risk for conditions… Continue reading The Effects of Tobacco and Nicotine On Your Dental Health

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What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay is the most common oral health ailment and is the second most common infectious disease (behind a cold) in the United States. The reason tooth decay is classified as an infectious disease is because the bacteria that eat through a tooth’s structure are passed orally from person to person, normally from parents to… Continue reading What causes tooth decay?

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The First Signs of Gingivitis

Gum disease, including gingivitis and periodontitis, cause concern for your dentist. During all oral health checkups, a dentist will look for signs and symptoms of gum disease. If gum disease is present or deemed to be a potential threat, oral health professionals will encourage that patients improve their oral hygiene practices at home, change their… Continue reading The First Signs of Gingivitis

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Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth

Patients who have a soda habit may not recognize the damage that they’re doing to their smiles. However, as our dentist can tell you, soda is one of the most common dietary culprits of tooth decay. A major concern about soda is the sugar content. That sugar can provide a nutrition source for cavity-causing bacteria… Continue reading Harmful Effects of Soda on Teeth

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Do I really need to get dental checkups every six months?

Some patients feel that they just can’t fit in semiannual appointments with their dentist, while others may avoid these visits out of dental fear. However, if you’re tempted to put off your exams and cleanings, you may suffer some pretty serious consequences for your oral health. There are many compelling reasons to schedule this routine… Continue reading Do I really need to get dental checkups every six months?

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