Fractured Tooth: What are my treatment options?

A fractured tooth may be one of the most complicated and unpredictable conditions in dentistry. With a fracture, a portion of the tooth may become completely separated, with clearly defined pieces that can be easily restored. However, a fracture can also occur in a tooth that appears to be visually intact. Depending upon the extent… Continue reading Fractured Tooth: What are my treatment options?

Tips for Relieving Dental Anxiety

The prospect of oral surgery can be a daunting one, and it’s understandable when patients experience some level of anxiety before undergoing a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, some patients are so fearful that they will postpone treatment until an emergency occurs, which usually means that they end up enduring more discomfort than they would have if… Continue reading Tips for Relieving Dental Anxiety

What do your teeth say about your health?

Many patients seek routine dental care to prevent problems that may detract from the smile’s aesthetics. Indeed, dentistry does help patients maintain an attractive smile. However, the objectives of dental treatment involve your health and well-being, as well. Certainly, modern dentistry has the tools and techniques—think dental implants—necessary to repair any damage that may be… Continue reading What do your teeth say about your health?

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