Teeth Grinding: It’s more than just a bad habit; it’s a dental concern

Chronic bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a perplexing condition that affects millions of adults. It happens so easily (usually during sleep) and occurs so frequently that it is often mistaken for an annoying, but normal, habit. Even when patients wake up with a headache and sore teeth due to a night of particularly intense grinding,… Continue reading Teeth Grinding: It’s more than just a bad habit; it’s a dental concern

Categorized as dentist

Harmful Dental Habits to Avoid

Who among us hasn’t committed a little no-no or a small faux pas when our dentist wasn’t looking? Dental indiscretions such as chewing ice, biting the fingernails or ink pens or paper clips, opening bottles with your teeth, grinding and clenching both day and night, inconsistent home care, neglecting our regular dental appointments…we all feel… Continue reading Harmful Dental Habits to Avoid

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